South Mills, NC


Maintaining your engine properly will guarantee your vehicle works smoothly and powerful for years. For tips on how you should take care of your engine, read this post that Factory Direct Oil Inc. in Moyock has prepared for you.

If you've ever had your engine malfunction when you're counting on it to move you from one spot to another, then you know how annoying, overwhelming, costly, and even dangerous it can be. A malfunctioning engine often means that you aren't able to make use of your vehicle in a time of need. For that reason, it's imperative that you take great care of your engine, as it is one of the most important (if not, the most) components in your vehicle. Doing so can ensure your vehicle will run smoothly and powerful for a long time. For tips on how to take good care of your engine, continue reading the post below.

Maintain your engine with the top performing synthetic oil in Moyock. Call Factory Direct Oil Inc. at (252) 435-6789, or visit AMSOIL's online store to place an order for it.

How to Care for Your Engine Properly

Take Care of the Synthetic Oil Changes

Probably the most important maintenance job you can do for your whole vehicle is taking care of its synthetic oil changes. The oil coats, protects, and lubricates the engine, ensuring it stays in mint condition and working perfectly for longer, but it needs to be changed. Do it regularly.

Feed It With High Quality Products

Whenever the synthetic oil change is due, make sure to only use the best products on your engine. This is because high quality products will yield high quality results, which can guarantee your engine will work perfectly for years to come.

Is your engine due a synthetic oil change? If so, feed it with AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil, the most effective synthetic oil in Moyock.

Mind the Cooling System

When your engine is working, it generates a lot of heat, which can lead to it overheating and shutting down. To prevent this, there's a cooling system that regulates its temperature. Check it regularly to prevent any problems with the engine.

Be a Gentle Driver

The crazier you are behind the wheel, the more you risk your safety and the more wear your vehicle down. The engine has to work extra hard to keep up with your antics, which accelerates its wear and tear process. Drive gently to keep it intact for longer.

If you need assistance finding the best products for your engine's maintenance, turn to Factory Direct Oil Inc. in Moyock. Call (252) 435-6789 to save time and money on your vehicle's maintenance.

Don't Stress the Engine Out

As previously stated, the harder your engine works, the faster it will wear down, which is why you should avoid stressing it whenever possible. To that end, don't overpack your vehicle and keep the other components in it in perfect shape.

Replace the Filters

If gunk, filth, dust, and other nastiness were to enter your engine, they could wreak havoc on it.  The oil and air filter exist to prevent this from happening. However, they need to be changed with regularity so they can perform well.

Repair Leaks Promptly

Whenever you see leaking coming from your vehicle, you need to react fast and get them repaired. It could be that your coolant, synthetic oil, or anti-freeze is leaking, which is bad news for the engine and your vehicle's functionality.

Be Aware of Issues

To maintain your engine perfectly, you need to be aware of its issues or irregular behavior. For example, if your engine makes weird sounds, becomes jumpy, or if the 'Check Engine' sign turns on, take it to a mechanic promptly.

Browse through AMSOIL's online store to find the highest quality products to keep your vehicle in mint shape for longer.

Don't Drive on an Empty Gas Tank

When you drive on an empty gas tank, you're forcing the sediment and gunk at the bottom of the tank to move through your engine. This can seriously damage it, so avoid driving with less of a quarter of a gas tank.

Inspect the Serpentine Belt

The serpentine belt is a component of the engine that's constantly turning when the engine is on. With time and use, it can get worn down and be useless. Inspect it every so often and replace it as needed.

Visit the Mechanic with Regularity

Lastly, a tip that can't be overlook is that you should visit your mechanic regularly (to fix specific issues or for routine inspections). Doing so can do wonders for your engine's and your vehicle's performance and lifespan.

Call Factory Direct Oil Inc. at (252) 435-6789, or visit AMSOIL's online store to place an order on the best synthetic oil in Moyock.